Wednesday, October 14, 2009

And some Brit pop definitely DOES involve mullets...

Hello, everyone -- anyone.
And welcome to our blog. Sean and I are attempting something here that has never been done.We are tying together 80s pop and alternative country music in ways neither Sean nor I fully get ourselves.
So bare with us as we walk down a musical path that we hope ties the genres together. We just want to talk about our musical tastes and tie them together. Feel free to come along for the ride.

But beware...

It could get hairy.

In fact, I know it's getting hairy already.
I googled for a photo of a mullet on Jeff Tweedy and somehow ended up at pictures of Frank Zappa and Jeff Beck -- who probably would have much rather had their hair waxed then had a mullet.

But that doesn't mean mullets are altogether without precedent among the great performers of the 80s, who are still around, and in some cases relevant today.

Suspect #1: Bono.
For all you young ones out there, did you know that in the early to mid-1980s, Bono had a mullet? That's right, the lead singer who brought you Vertigo had this huge puffy thing on top of his head, short on the sides and really long in the back. As a 13-year-old kid, I couldn't stand it (even though I later got one -- see why below). Seriously, it was so pronounced, I couldn't even enjoy the music. But I got over it, only to realize that this guy, and this band have put out some of the greatest rock and pop of the 80s and today.

Suspect #2: Duran Duran
Whatever you think of their music (and many either love it or hate it), you've got to admit, they made the mullet respectable as they influenced a lot of today's contemporary artists -- The Killers, Mark Ronson, etc.
Check out Simon LeBon in the "Wild Boys" video. As a wanna-be rocker in the 80s, it prompted me to shave the sides of my head and let everything else grow long.
Hey, it was something different....
Unfortunately for Duran, it's hard to read anything current about that band without a reference to their 80s hair (though that's become less so in recent years). But they've made a respectable career for themselves -- even without mullets.

And I've moved on myself -- for the sake of being employed.

As for alternative country...I don't expect to be seeing anyone, let alone Ryan Adams or Wilco, with mullets any time soon.

Mullets for pop -- or even alternative pop/country -- stars are buried deep in the past, RIGHT?

It's amazing though that Ryan Adams had any connection to country... I had no idea.

A few years ago I saw Adams open for Alanis Morissette at the Gibson Amphitheater at Universal Studios Hollywood. Our seats weren't that close. Maybe, if I'd have looked close enough, I would have found he had a mullet. I doubt it.
Even if did though, the music rocked. It sure didn't sound country, though...

Here's a few more mullet-wearers from the 80s:

*Brian Setzer (Stray Cats)
*Pat Benatar (On women, it's known as a fullet).
*Geddy Lee (Rush)
*Joe Elliot (Def Leopard)
*Howard Jones
*David Bowie/Ziggy (circa 70s, the pioneer)
Feel free to add on to this list....

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